
Type: Refractor Doublet
Aperture: 63 mm
Focal length: 840 (f/10.5)

Startest Images copyright
Markus Ludes (c) 2001


Inside Focus

Inside Focus

Outside Focus

Outside Focus

This is one from the legendary Carl Zeiss Jena Telementor Refractors improved airspacest achrochmats.This lens have an nearly fully identicalimage inside and outside of focuse. The Cameras sensitivity on color seems not to be good enough to show this due the rest chromatical
aberation of the lens. The eyepiece used up to 350 power still show an nearly perfect symmetrie on both side of focuse.My rating for this lens is better than 1/10 wavefront p.t.v., it could easily be 1/15 wavefront. The strehl is from my experience better than 99%

Markus Ludes (APM-Telescopes)

Collimator : 9" F/9 Triplet Super ED TMB Apo